Monday, December 21, 2009


We are officially engaged! Byron did such a wonderful job of planning and I could not believe how perfect everything was. We started the night attending Zoo Lights with the Haley family. Byron's mother-Bobbe, sister-Jana, and I had no idea that he was planning on proposing that night. Jim, Byron's father and him constructed the sign two weeks before with over a thousand lights and set it up at the zoo twItalico days before the bCheck Spellingig night. Some of our closest friends were there to support, celebrate, and of course they had to turn on the sign......
We walked around the zoo for about a hour looking at all the lights. After walking down a hill and taking a picture in front of my favorite tree he got on ONE KNEE and POPPED the QUESTION. Then came the "highest pitched" voice you will ever hear. In the background was playing "At Last" one of my favorite songs. Hope you enjoy the below video and pictures.

A special thanks to all our friends and family without you this night would not have been possible.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fa.... la' la' la' la' la' la' la la'

We went on our bi-weekly "date night" to the Nutcracker. For some reason Byron nor I remembered the story. During intermission, we both looked at each other smiling saying, "What is going on." We then spent the next 10 minutes reading the story and just started laughing because we knew the plot all along, but we were just trying to read into the storyline and find some hidden meaning. Why was it so much easier as kids to understand the nutcracker?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Party

I think Byron may kill me for uploading this, but it is too cute and too funny not to. Lucy, one of our best friends celebrated her birthday and in true Lucy fashion thought it would be fun to do a Tacky Christmas Sweater Party. I of course thought this was a great idea, but there was one small glitch when the night went down....... Byron and Lucy were the only ones wearing the sweaters. Below is a picture of Byron with his Christmas sweater (his grandmother gave him when he was in college) with Lucy's wrapped around him. He kept laughing and saying," Am I embarrassing you"? Well, here is my formal payback for being embarrassed all that night! Friends and family, please enjoy.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tis' The Season

We finished decorating Sunday night and somehow we pulled our decorations together and made it work. I taught Byron the proper way to string lights and after two trips to the store, 6 boxes of lights, and 2 hours later he was done stringing them on our 6 foot tree. I made the comment, that it is always worse taking them off and Byron just gave the calm shhhh....... I almost electrocuted myself trying to hang ornaments from a light fixture. Pottery Barn forgot to mention the turning off the light part, Byron almost had a heart attack, but he let me complete my project!

We also included a picture of the newly painted red table. Literally, we had blood, sweat, and tears over this thing, but it is finally done and we love it!

Arizona and Baby Lina

Byron and I flew down to visit my sister Sarah, her husband Brian and the newest addition to the family-Lina. We decided to take Lina to her first movie, New Moon at the drive-in. It wasn't too cold for November....