Sunday, May 2, 2010

104 Days and Counting

We are getting close to Wedding Season, which means here come the future Haley's. We were doing great on the wedding planning and had most of it done, now it has slowly plateaued because we have been busy with everything else, but here are the recent updates thus far:

* My dress came in! (but it doesn't fit) Which is good motivation because swimsuit season is just around the corner.
* Honeymoon is planned and checked off the list (can't wait to blog about our surfing lessons we signed up for).
*Found Byron's ring, it's the same medal as mine. We love this idea, because now both are fairly unique.

In terms of us being busy with everything else, we are enjoying the spring in Seattle and all the fun that comes along with it:

Seattle Restaurant Week, amazing food!

Citizen Cope Concert- I was officially the number one fan. About 12 of us went to this together and had a blast. I made Jill, a girlfriend of mine stay up at the front of stage the entire time and said no bathroom breaks because we did not want to lose our spots. By the end, I thought she was going to kill me.

We attended our 4th Wedding so far this year; Byron and I are officially the electric slide and cupid shuffle masters. Make no mistake, if you are attending our wedding you can become a cupid shuffle master as well!

Erik's Birthday (Byron's groomsmen). This night started out at the Frontier Room for some pulled pork sandwiches. At the peak of the night we had taken over Cellars with all of Erik's friends.